Freshness, freshness! I want freshness. That's just what we're looking for during the heat of summer. Fans and swimming pools are precious allies, but they're not the only ones. Why not look for coolness in your cocktail too?
There's nothing better than Ælred Frozen Mint Liqueur to add that fresh, thirst-quenching touch to your drink. In France, mint liqueur is often served as an after-dinner drink in restaurants, but what about trying it in a cocktail?
Here are 5 recipes for cocktails made with mint liqueur for a guaranteed sensation of freshness!
But don't forget to drink water, which is the only real thirst-quencher.
The Cold Shower Cocktail
With a rather evocative name, this cocktail replaces the famous Cuba Libre cocktail. ¼ mint liqueur to ¾ Coca Cola and of course plenty of ice cubes for a "cold shower" sensation from the 1st sip.
- Coca Cola
Fill a quarter of a glass with mint liqueur and top up the rest of the glass with Coca Cola. Add a few ice cubes.
Tips: leave your bottle of mint liqueur in the freezer and take it out when you need it. That way, it's always fresh before you serve it.
Chill me cocktail
Probably the most refreshing cocktail of all, especially if you're a beer lover. The Chill Me, which literally means "refresh me", lives up to its name. Mint liqueur, beer and lots of ice. Chill me!
Start by filling your whole glass with ice cubes. Then pour in the mint liqueur and top up with beer. Drink immediately.
Perroget cocktail
You may not be familiar with the famous cocktail made with Pastis and mint syrup, the Perroquet, and perhaps even less with its more alcoholic version, the Perroget.
As its name suggests, the Perroget is a parrot with Get, in other words, the mint syrup in the original recipe is replaced by... mint liqueur!
It's even fresher, but also more alcoholic. Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health.
- Ælred ice mint liqueur
- Ælred Provençal Pastis
- water
- Ice cubes
In a Pastis glass, pour ¼ of mint liqueur, then ¼ of Pastis. Top up the glass with water and add a few ice cubes. The combination of aniseed and mint gives the cocktail a thirst-quenching sensation.
Green Fizz Cocktail
A cocktail that will still give you an icy sensation when you taste it. However, this vodka-based cocktail is stronger than its predecessors. Reserved for those who like a thrill! Drink in the early evening when the night is still warm rather than in the middle of the afternoon.
6 cl Vodka
2 cl Lemon juice
1 egg white
sparkling water
Mix all the ingredients in a shaker. Pour into a glass and top up the rest of the glass with sparkling water.
You can also make a non-alcoholic version of some of these cocktails. For example, replace the mint liqueur with mint syrup in the Douche Froide cocktail. It tastes just as good.