7 recipes for desserts and sorbets with verbena liqueur

Verbena liqueur...  

Its brilliant green colour, its straightforward Verbena nose and its hint of lemon. It's the perfect after-dinner drink. You can serve Verbena liqueur neat in a glass with a few ice cubes. It is also particularly enjoyable served chilled or as a sorbet.

Here are a few recipes with the flavour of this well-known digestive. 

Recipe 1: Verbena liqueur sorbet


Verbena liqueur sorbet is undoubtedly the dessert that most sublimates this sweet beverage. Ice cream, and verbena liqueur sorbet in particular, has a fresh, fragrant taste that will delight your senses. 

Ingredients :  

Mix the flour, sugar and eggs. Heat the milk over a low heat and add to the mixture.Heat the mixture in a saucepan over a low heat for 2 minutes.

Chill the mixture in the fridge until it has cooled. Put the crème fraiche in the fridge too. Add the crème fraiche and place in an ice-cream maker. 5 minutes before the end, pour the verbena liqueur into the ice-cream maker. 

Tip : for an alcohol-free Verbena ice cream, replace the Eyguebelle Verbena liqueur with Verbena syrup.

Recipe n°2: Frozen verbena liqueur soufflé 

This original, classy dessert is sure to impress your guests at a party.   


Add a little melted butter to the inside of the ramekins. Place a strip of greaseproof paper at the bottom of the moulds, leaving it 4 to 5 cm wide.

Bring 100g sugar and the water to the boil in a saucepan for 3 mins.

Place the egg yolks in a bowl and gradually pour the hot mixture over them while whisking. Continue whisking for 15 mins until the mixture foams and doubles in volume. Add the Verbena liqueur.

Continue whisking until you obtain a sort of whipped cream.

Next, beat the egg whites until stiff with the remaining sugar. Mix the 2 preparations and add a few drops of green colouring if you wish.

Fill the ramekins to the top of the paper, then smooth the top with a spatula. Place the ramekins in the freezer for 2 to 4 hours.

Carefully remove the paper with the tip of a heated knife, then place the soufflé on a plate. 

Tip: you can add a shot glass of green liqueur to the edge of the plate. 

Recipe n°3: Verbena liqueur mousse  

Here's a light and quick dessert to make a change from the traditional chocolate mousse.

Ingredients :

  • 1 egg
  • 40 cl crème fraiche
  • 60 g vanilla sugar
  • Green colouring
  • 3 tablespoons Verbena Liqueur

Whisk together the egg, sugar and Verbena liqueur. Add the colouring (optional). Whip the crème fraiche until stiff. Gently combine the two preparations.

Pour the mixture into verrines. 

Recipe n°4: Verbena crème brûlée 

Ingredients :

  • 6 egg yolks
  • 45cl single cream
  • 10cl milk
  • 100g sugar
  • 8g dried verbena
  • 2cl verbena liqueur
  • brown sugar

Bring the cream, milk and sugar to the boil, stirring a little to melt the sugar. Add the verbena leaves, turn off the heat and leave to infuse for 15 minutes.

Strain the liquid through a sieve to remove the verbena leaves and pour this mixture over the beaten yolks, stirring constantly. Add the verbena liqueur. Bake for 1 hour at 90°. 

Leave to cool in the fridge for at least 3 hours. Just before serving, add the brown sugar and caramelise with a blowtorch.

Recipe n°5: Trou Normand with verbena liqueur 

Ingredients : 

Place in an ice-cream bowl and serve two scoops of the ice-cream in the flavour of your choice. The ones on the list below go best with the Verbena liqueur. 

Pour the Verbena liqueur on top and serve immediately between the starter and the main course or between 2 courses. 

Flavours that go well with Verbena liqueur: Peach, apricot, raspberry or pear. 

Recipe n°6: Panna cotta with Verbena liqueur and red fruit 


Ingredients :

  • 80 cl crème fraiche
  • 70g caster sugar
  • 10 sheets of gelatine
  • ½ glass verbena liqueur
  • Red fruit coulis
  • 50g brown sugar
  • A few basil leaves
  • 6 verrines 

Soak the gelatine in cold water.  Pour the red fruit coulis into the verrines. Chill the verrines for 1 hour. Heat the cream and sugar in a saucepan with the gelatine leaves. Whisk to combine. Add the verbena liqueur and mix again. Leave to cool and pour into the verrines. 

Place the verrines in the fridge for 4 hours. 

Recipe n°7: Raspberry mille feuilles with verbena liqueur

Magnificent, this dessert will undoubtedly surprise your guests with its original taste and complexity.

 Ingredients : 

  • 750 g puff pastry
  • 750 g raspberries
  • ½ l milk
  • 250 g sugar
  • 60 g flour
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 3 tbsp verbena liqueur
  • 25 cl fresh cream 

Preheat the oven to 180°. 

Thin a piece of puff pastry 1 cm thick, 40 cm long and 35 cm wide. 

Put a bowl in the freezer. Put the puff pastry in the oven for 20 minutes. 

Bring the milk to the boil. Mix the flour, sugar and egg yolks in another saucepan, then pour the boiling milk over the mixture. Add a pinch of salt. Bring this new mixture back to the boil and add the Verbena liqueur. Leave to cool. 

Cut the puff pastry from the oven into 3 large strips of equal width and length. Whip the crème fraiche using the bowl previously placed in the freezer.

Mix the crème pâtissière very gently with the whipped cream. 

On a strip of puff pastry, spread first a layer of custard and then a layer of raspberries.

Repeat the operation twice. 

Set aside in a cool place. 

Serve this dessert with verbena liqueur, of course :-)

verres de liqueur de verveine aelred à boire en digestif